Your view on Longsands & Ernulf

Scroll down to take part in my survey 

Why I am asking for your views

In recent months, a recurring theme in our conversations has been the concerns surrounding Longsands and Ernulf schools, particularly under the management of the Astrea Academy Trust. I recently visited Ernulf Academy to engage directly with Astrea’s Chief Executive, their Regional Director for Cambridgeshire Schools, and Principal Mark Neesam, to address these issues head-on.

Both Longsands and Ernulf schools have been rated ‘Requires Improvement’ by Ofsted, with Longsands currently awaiting the results of their most recent inspection. These ratings underscore the belief among parents and the wider community that there is considerable room for improvement in our schools. I know from my own conversations across St Neots that Astrea's policies on behaviour, attendance, and student support seem to create a divide between the management and local parents. 

That is why I'm asking for your views in the survey below. Your feedback is crucial in identifying the key areas that you feel require improvement and in developing strategies to address these challenges effectively. I'll be feeding back anonymised results to both schools, the leadership team within the Astrea Academy Trust, and to the County Council - I hope you will spare five minutes to fill it in. 

Antony Browne MP


St Neots Education Survey

  • Current National Issues
  • Optional representation questions
  • Your details
Which school are you responding in relation to?
What is your principal connection to the school?
How satisfied are you with the overall quality of education provided at the school?
In your opinion, what are the most pressing issues to be addressed at the school? (pick up to three)
Please only choose up to three answers
Currently, both Longsands and Ernulf are run by the Astrea Academy Trust. Do you think it would be better ownership was separated (the schools were operated by different trusts)?
How confident are you in the leadership of the Astrea Academy Trust in managing Longsands and Ernulf?
How do you feel about the behaviour policies at the school?
Questions Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree No opinion